Your book professionally designed
You have thought long and hard about writing that book. Friends and family have urged you for years to just do it. Spurred on, you take pen to paper, or mouse to computer and set to work. The day eventually comes when you are ready to see it in print and release it to the world, but where do you turn now? Well, you can take the DIY route and design and produce the artwork yourself. It would certainly save you some money, but much like taking a pair of pliers to a grumbling molar will save paying a dentist, there is a possibility you may actually regret that decision. If however you would like to a professional book designer with some 500 books and happy authors in the portfolio to look after you and your book, then drop me a line. I will guide you through the design process and provide correctly formatted files for you to load to your own Amazon KDP account, where you will have full control over your own book and your own sales. Or you may simply require a few copies printed for family and friends.
I also have contact with a small, but perfectly formed team of experienced editors, illustrators and trade sales experts that can also work alongside you should you require it.
Have a click around and take a look at some of the many covers I have produced. If you have any questions just drop me a line.

Edward Tovey - 'The Five-Hundred Year War'
"The cover is stunning, absolutely on the nail! I am delighted with what you have produced. I have no comments – other than praise. Many thanks for all you have done so far. It has been a thoroughly worthwhile journey I am happy (no, very pleased!) with it."